Monday, 2 June 2014

First Stop: Hong Kong

2013 was not my favourite of years so in December I bought a one way ticket to Paris and decided to explore, see some old friends and find adventure - while enjoying a variety of cultures and languages abroad. No real idea of destination or plan but with a burning desire to live, laugh, learn and make opportunities become realities and dreams become the everyday life.

First stop: Hong Kong. 

3 days to take a deep breathe and see where the next 6 months may take me, think a little about what it is I want to achieve and prepare myself for some awakening experiences. Also, to see a buzzing city and eat some great dumplings.

Waking up among a display of colourful skyscrapers filled with unknown people who start their day in this humid overcast city I thought back to last night: an array of glittering beads among an island like never seen before. Flying over the dark ocean which suddenly comes alive with colours and towers.

On the aeroplane I was pleasantly surprised finding my seat with plenty of space in the “bulkhead seating” (which I later found out as its name). As I sat and began to remove the necessities for my 12 hour flight I heard a friendly “Hi” and was to meet my flight companion. As I got up to put the bags away I immediately recognised that this person was not of normal height. If I had been less absorbed in unpacking my travel journal, kindle, pens, lip balm, mints (all necessary for the first 20 minutes that I can't access my bags) I may have noticed that this person had been accompanied by other rather tall men, who were wearing jackets with “New Zealand” on the back. If I has been more observant I may not have stupidly asked “Do you play basketball by any chance? Your quite tall.” After a positive response - I then continued my sports naivety, “who do you play for?”. I was then to find out that my travel companion was off to Russia to represent our county in the sport I know nothing off other than someone called Steven Adams has gone to play in the States. 

Apart from a slight intrigue and a few questions about what it was to be a Tall Black - the highlight of the plane journey definitely goes to flying over Manila. I had a sudden urge to lift the window blind and see if the blinding light of day was starting to fade. I noticed in the distance the clouds lighting up, on closer observation I noticed that it was not man made but large forked lightning. As a spiral of clouds contained this lightning, I was exposed to one of the most active sunsets I have ever seen. The lights below from ships like glow worms in the sea, a line of blood red on the horizon and the clouds awakening from within with shocks of colour (slowly and unnervingly getting closer and closer). A real treasure for the eyes and an opportune moment to stop and think - this is why I am here on this plane. To see things in this world that I could not even have imagined. 

Dedicated to Al for his continuing generosity and for supplying me with the tools to fulfil my desire to put some words on paper…

1 comment:

  1. This is great Ser! You're an amazing writer! Can't wait for future instalments of your journey. Bry xox
